Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well it's been a good three months hasn't it?

What have I been up to during that period? Well to be honest, nothing much.

VCE's over. But that doesn't mean the torment has ceased to exist. I'm shit scared about my results. Fairly certain I'll get into what I want, but it won't be a pretty score. A score of thorns and not roses I think.

Can't get a job, everyone applied before exams and now there's nothing left. Nothing to do to pass time by on the holidays, it's actually quite sad. Due to begin gym again next week. No gym for a month has reduced me to skin and bone again. It's sad :( All the hard work before all gone. But it won't be hard to pick up again, thank muscle memory :D

I'm almost 18 soon. But doing nothing to celebrate it. I like to believe 18 is nothing big, I'll hold out and have a blast 21 instead. People again asking me what I want, but I don't know. I can guarantee that when my b'day is over I'll finally know what I want. It's the same process every year.

Went to Davin's today. Bummed around watching movies and shooting hoops. Better than doing nothing.

Possibly going to Vietnam in mid December, which I have stressed to dad I object. Dislike the place very much and would like to avoid it like the plague. It's so shit, there's nothing to do. If there are no hot chicks I'm not going to waste my time LOLOLOL. Would rather spend xmas and new years here in Australia, which reminds me I need to do my xmas shopping pretty soon. What do you guys want?

Anyways, that's all from me!
Take care.

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