Thursday, December 2, 2010


My return to gym... so far so good!

Actually really enjoying it. Body has some pretty big aches but... you kind of get used to it, so it doesn't really bother you so much. My local gym isn't as great as Fitness First, just missing a few cables but still pretty decent. Just gets packed sometimes and you really can't follow the plan you've drawn out...

This douche turns 18 tomorrow. Feel like an old fart hahaha.

Discussion with dad and uncle today has resulted in a highly likely trip to HK and VN. Excited about HK.. still nothing is for sure yet. Then again, this would mean laying off gym yet another 4 weeks. Sucks balls.

Davin the noob came over today. Another one of those days where we tried to pass time. Seemed to work alright. Good fun.

Anyways, that's all from me.
David signing out!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holidays suck shit!

So like the title says, they do suck.

It's not that I can't do anything, it's because there's nothing left to do. So when I'm done with uni I've decided to get a job in the UK. Win :D

Seeing the pt tomorrow, gym timeee! Haven't been for a month, so I'm going to need to start from scratch. Pretty sad, all the effort and time before wasted. But won't be long before gains appear, muscle memory ftw. Set myself a target of trying to gain 15kg. This will be a good challenge, albeit pretty hard...

That is all.

Goodbye LOL.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well it's been a good three months hasn't it?

What have I been up to during that period? Well to be honest, nothing much.

VCE's over. But that doesn't mean the torment has ceased to exist. I'm shit scared about my results. Fairly certain I'll get into what I want, but it won't be a pretty score. A score of thorns and not roses I think.

Can't get a job, everyone applied before exams and now there's nothing left. Nothing to do to pass time by on the holidays, it's actually quite sad. Due to begin gym again next week. No gym for a month has reduced me to skin and bone again. It's sad :( All the hard work before all gone. But it won't be hard to pick up again, thank muscle memory :D

I'm almost 18 soon. But doing nothing to celebrate it. I like to believe 18 is nothing big, I'll hold out and have a blast 21 instead. People again asking me what I want, but I don't know. I can guarantee that when my b'day is over I'll finally know what I want. It's the same process every year.

Went to Davin's today. Bummed around watching movies and shooting hoops. Better than doing nothing.

Possibly going to Vietnam in mid December, which I have stressed to dad I object. Dislike the place very much and would like to avoid it like the plague. It's so shit, there's nothing to do. If there are no hot chicks I'm not going to waste my time LOLOLOL. Would rather spend xmas and new years here in Australia, which reminds me I need to do my xmas shopping pretty soon. What do you guys want?

Anyways, that's all from me!
Take care.

Monday, August 16, 2010

You lying prick.

Don't try and act all friendly with me at school,
Then go behind my back and hide shit, and lie.

I don't really understand.

Why hide shit?
Ever thought of coming clean and not lie to me?

So when you spoke the truth,
and you looked at me,
Your face showed regret.

But it doesn't matter.
Do whatever.
Keep whatever you want from me.
'Cause I've finally realised that you really ain't my friend.

You call yourself a mate?
What sort of a mate lies?

So quit the bullshit.
And be upfront.

There's no reason to lie.

Do any questions ever run through your mind?
Like, "why isn't he talking to me?"
Wake up fool.
I fucking hate you.
Save your breath and your time.
I simply ain't gonna bother with a lying fuck.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's you. It always has been.

There’s a reason why we’re here to be,
Together forever to love honestly.

Te Amare
Me Amor.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mid year results got me bambood.

So the title says. Just kidding. I never got smacked as a child :)

Results came. I was seriously considering not opening them until the end of the year, but then the image of my dad nagging me sorta got me worried so I opened them up and shat bricks.

I did saaaa shiet!

Nah I'm actually not that sad with what I got, because even if I do get a crappy as study score they'll become my 5th and 6th subjects (hopefully) and then 10% of those scores don't count for jack shit anyway. So I'm all smiles :) I'm following DQ's way of life by looking at the bright side of things. So far it's working :D

Those of you out there who aren't pleased with what you got, just cop it on the chin and work harder for that Unit 4 A+. No point looking in the rear view mirror when you should be looking at the road ahead. True? :D

Or you could be like me, accept your not going to get into medicine and resort to gigalo-ness to make a living in this world ;) Note to Yiling: I will sell dammit!

Anyways, sayonara homies.

Dalena: Hahaha you so ugly biatch!
Tony: Get off the fucking phone and do your hw! Quit talking to your gf! I can hear you from my room!
Vincent: Toyota Chaser's are homo.
Pauline: Your never getting your highlighters back! They've been in places you don't even wanna know of ;)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bleeding UMAT

So as the title says... I've got tonight and tomorrow night to cram all I can to pass this shit and get into Medicine. Otherwise I'll have to resort to prostitution. You can tell my life has been well planned out...

So lately I've been eating UMAT, breathing UMAT, shitting UMAT and even dreaming about it. You heard me. I dreamed about it alright. Dreamed that I failed. It's forshadowing the future I think... Just like some photos foreshadow me and... woops rambling on here. Some people will know what im saying ;)

So for any of you out there, who get depressed and emo looking at your percentiles compared to the other freaky ass Medentry students... your not alone. Come join the boat. We can sink to our watery death together.

And I got to be at Caulfield at 8am? Jeebus... I'll still be half asleep doing this shit.

So prositution here I come. And to Yiling, yes I will sell. Don't be jealous just 'cause no one wants to touch you with a bloody 10ft pole.
