Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bieber Hate.



Anyone have Bieber fever? Raise your hands! *Raises*.

Just kidding of course. I hate JB. If your sitting there going, "oh but he's so hot" or "he's such a cutie" or stupid shit like "I'm going to marry him!" then you are clearly, VERY clearly the world's biggest retard. Stupid retard.

Anyways, this is all I wanted to say so yeah... LOL :D

Peace homies.

Ray: Hey baby I'll give you nickel if you tickle my pickle ;)
Anna: Stop thinking about dick :P
Han: No I will certainly not speak fob language, or say my name in Vietnamese! :P
James: I'm gonna mug you for that watch one day. Rich cunttttt.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

You're driving me ape shit.


Let's talk about friendships.

Now I'll begin by saying that I'm not the most moral guy out there. Sure, like all boys I should be following the bro code. And that means bros before hoes.

But sometimes I put chicks before dicks. And for very good reasons.

Sometimes I just don't get what I deserve from my mates. I'm sure many of you out there would have felt the same way at some point before. YOU put in the effort and just get run over by the unappreciative assholes who you call your "friends" and they don't have the common courtesy to thank you even for the little things you do. How dejected and deflated does that make you feel? Stings like a bitch doesn't it?

So, whenever I don't wanna do things with my friends or go out and do whatever with them, they're always asking "why?" when they clearly should already know the answer: They're complete jerks.

There's always tension when I hang out with some of my friends now and it's splitting us into tiny fragments and to be quite frank I don't think anything can save us. It would be good if this could all just go away so we could be what we used to be but reality is, that just isn't going to happen. What some of you might find disappointing on my behalf is that I'm unmoved by this.

Thing is, friends come and go. You drift from your already existing ones only to make new ones anyway. It's a cycle. It's life.

That's not to say that when friendships end you should forget about the good times you had together and act like you never knew them. But forever I'll think of them as good times before they changed and became a total dickheads.

But there's always those other "friends" that are always by your side. Through the thick, the thin, the good, the bad and the sad times. The one's who can treat you right, put a smile on your dial and have the remedy to cheer you up at any moment. One's that don't judge you in 2 seconds and take your genuineness for granted. They're the people who you should be calling your "friends", the people that will last for eternity and not for a day before a bitch fight breaks loose and shit hits the ceiling and before you know it it's gone down the toilet. (Did you run out of breath reading that one? :P)

So for all you folks out there, if you don't receive the happiness you deserve from someone then simply don't bother with them. Don't waste your time trying to mend things that won't be mended, trying to fix things that are broken beyond repair. Because you deserve better. You just need to look elsewhere for that something or for that someone that will treat you how you should be treated. Someone who's constantly disappointing you or letting you down clearly isn't worthy of the trust and love you give them. So don't waste it and give it with someone who truly deserves it.

They can choose to be your "friends" and if they don't want to be so, then fuck it. It's their loss.

To my lovers and my haters.


PS: Remember to share your beautiful smiles with the world! And be happy chappies! :)

Ian: Your my lover baby ;)
Tina: You got that song stuck in my head! :O
Ray: Cheer up you depresso.
Dalena: Getting kinky with Linky eh? :P
Kaya: Quit stalking! :O
Crystal: Friends? :) Or too cool for me now? LOL
Vicky: No missed calls babe ;)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What rocks your boat?

What's hanging?

So yeah. 1 month out from the middy's and counting. Excited? I bet you are! *nudge nudge* ;)

It's 8:40 and I should be studying and I certainly have been. Just sparing some quality time to update all my stalkers out there. I'm joking... *cough*

The most boring start I've had to the week in ages. AGES. Ever had the feeling your so bored you wanna cry? Now you know how I feel.

Today, chem class was like having a hot poker shoved so far up my ass it had to be surgically removed. Fell asleep and goody two shoes made me stand up and walk around the classroom because I was tired. Like that's gonna help me pay more attention and wake me up yo.

Bracing myself for double english and double physics tomorrow. Wednesday is my "crock of shit" day of the week. If I've got any predictions for tomorrow, I'll learn nothing again in english (how typical) and zone out in 5 seconds of physics (even more typical). Go figure.

Thursday? Table tennis training after school. Like anyone gives two shits about winter table tennis anyway. Summer table tennis was the real deal... And where's my gold insignia for that? I didn't play in the 1st's for nothing. Just kidding, of course it was just all for the school...

Friday tops it off with a goody physics SAC after school. Oh am I pumped for that. No seriously, I am :D Bar the after school bit...

Year 12 formal's rocking soon! And am I excited? Oh hell yeah! *raves* Still got no idea as to what tux to get though... but plenty of time for that shit after mid years. Told dad it would be massively expensive and was expecting him to flip it like a madman, 'cause you know how all Asian parents are like, stingy yeah? LOL. Don't get me? Head to Youtube and watch them mychonny videos. They depict Asian parents perfectly haha. Well, not exactly but you get me right? Anyways, all dad said was, "Oh yeah that's like nothing relax". Fully sick bro.

Plans for the rest of the week?
Ain't got any. Wanna make plans together? ;)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah well, don't deny it. You know you want it ;)

Anyway, back to the books for me.

Fuck you haters.
Bang you lovers.

Take care!

Davin: Yeah, that scarf of yours has all the ladies talking... *cough*
Ray: What a beastly haircut. Hate to say it but, tops Yiling's by miles and miles and miles :D
Yiling: Seeeeee beeeee efffff? See bf? Seeing your boyfriend? Who'd wanna be your bf? Poor bloke... :P
Smiddy: Great stuff with the blog yo.
Tina: Yeah, let's catch up soon :D
Vicky: Your important to me toooo! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day.

What's going down yo?

Haven't posted anything in a while. Too busy being preoccupied with school and school related shit recently. Sorry!

Today is Mother's Day! So what did you do for your mum today?


Had 2 SAC's this week and yeah, typically feel like I got horrifically raped. Still, at least I had fun with Andy for the chem SAC making esters. We ended up making nail polish and yeah, certainly got high on that shit. And as for the english SAC, well fuck that I don't want to talk about it.

The Feast of Edmund Rice was on Tuesday followed by the 10km walkathon. Got home to witness my left foot drenched in blood... then had to attend tutor. Fried.

Helped out at the Edmund Rice Centre on Wednesday after school and can't deny that I had a great time. I got no homework done that day because of the EREA dinner that followed but don't really mind. The feeling you get when you know you've helped someone... nothing tops it. So it all works out in the end.

Table Tennis training Thursday after school. No one takes that shit seriously anymore. Harro loves to rage it doesn't he?

Friday was just all chill from 3:25 onwards. Would have loved to go keep fit with a few games of badminton but decided to catch up with some friends and attend the Health Expo at UniMelb. We all had a good laugh upon seeing Yiling's epic haircut. I have no words to describe the masterpiece that the hairdresser bestowed upon her LOL.

Saturday, was all tutor then went to state and got no work done. All Pauline's fault. And then slept in church as per usual. Dad kicked my leg a countless number of times to wake me up :D

Which brings me to Sunday.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there!

This is just a little something I want to express to my mum.

Dear mum,

How you doing? I hope your fine up there. Is god treating you any well? (laughs) It's approaching a year since you've been gone, but there hasn't been a day that's passed when you haven't come into my thoughts and prayers.

It's been a year too long. Will you be coming back anytime soon? I wish this was all a bad dream, that I'd suddenly wake up and you'd be there like nothing ever happened. Things are still weird at home. Your things are still lying around left untouched. I guess no one can bear the thought of erasing memories of you.

I always thought that you'd get better. I knew you were a fighter and thought that you'd easily conquer the uphill battle. And now I believe my overconfidence led to the consequences.

There were so many things you were yet to witness. But now you'll never never see me grow into a fine young man, or be there for my birthdays. You'll never see me graduate, get married and witness the things that would have made you proud to call me your son.

But you told me to be strong and I will. Though the tears are falling as I type this, they're not tears of sadness but of joy because your finally in a better place.

Anyways, I've gotta go. Dad's home and my balls will be on the chopping block if he sees I'm not doing hw :O Talk soon?

I miss you.

Love your son,


Yiling: What sexy hair yo.
Davin: So much for "so much" LOL.
Pauline: It's a cycle. Rich ---> Spoilt ---> Rich :P
Kaya: WHAT!? You have 7 kids? At this rate you'll have 100 in no time!
Vicky: Hold your head high babe. Fuck what the others say.
DQ: Pimpppppppp!
Anna: Richard has a Richard :D get me?