Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What rocks your boat?

What's hanging?

So yeah. 1 month out from the middy's and counting. Excited? I bet you are! *nudge nudge* ;)

It's 8:40 and I should be studying and I certainly have been. Just sparing some quality time to update all my stalkers out there. I'm joking... *cough*

The most boring start I've had to the week in ages. AGES. Ever had the feeling your so bored you wanna cry? Now you know how I feel.

Today, chem class was like having a hot poker shoved so far up my ass it had to be surgically removed. Fell asleep and goody two shoes made me stand up and walk around the classroom because I was tired. Like that's gonna help me pay more attention and wake me up yo.

Bracing myself for double english and double physics tomorrow. Wednesday is my "crock of shit" day of the week. If I've got any predictions for tomorrow, I'll learn nothing again in english (how typical) and zone out in 5 seconds of physics (even more typical). Go figure.

Thursday? Table tennis training after school. Like anyone gives two shits about winter table tennis anyway. Summer table tennis was the real deal... And where's my gold insignia for that? I didn't play in the 1st's for nothing. Just kidding, of course it was just all for the school...

Friday tops it off with a goody physics SAC after school. Oh am I pumped for that. No seriously, I am :D Bar the after school bit...

Year 12 formal's rocking soon! And am I excited? Oh hell yeah! *raves* Still got no idea as to what tux to get though... but plenty of time for that shit after mid years. Told dad it would be massively expensive and was expecting him to flip it like a madman, 'cause you know how all Asian parents are like, stingy yeah? LOL. Don't get me? Head to Youtube and watch them mychonny videos. They depict Asian parents perfectly haha. Well, not exactly but you get me right? Anyways, all dad said was, "Oh yeah that's like nothing relax". Fully sick bro.

Plans for the rest of the week?
Ain't got any. Wanna make plans together? ;)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah well, don't deny it. You know you want it ;)

Anyway, back to the books for me.

Fuck you haters.
Bang you lovers.

Take care!

Davin: Yeah, that scarf of yours has all the ladies talking... *cough*
Ray: What a beastly haircut. Hate to say it but, tops Yiling's by miles and miles and miles :D
Yiling: Seeeeee beeeee efffff? See bf? Seeing your boyfriend? Who'd wanna be your bf? Poor bloke... :P
Smiddy: Great stuff with the blog yo.
Tina: Yeah, let's catch up soon :D
Vicky: Your important to me toooo! :)

1 comment:

    the fringe is omg -cries- LOL
