Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day.

What's going down yo?

Haven't posted anything in a while. Too busy being preoccupied with school and school related shit recently. Sorry!

Today is Mother's Day! So what did you do for your mum today?


Had 2 SAC's this week and yeah, typically feel like I got horrifically raped. Still, at least I had fun with Andy for the chem SAC making esters. We ended up making nail polish and yeah, certainly got high on that shit. And as for the english SAC, well fuck that I don't want to talk about it.

The Feast of Edmund Rice was on Tuesday followed by the 10km walkathon. Got home to witness my left foot drenched in blood... then had to attend tutor. Fried.

Helped out at the Edmund Rice Centre on Wednesday after school and can't deny that I had a great time. I got no homework done that day because of the EREA dinner that followed but don't really mind. The feeling you get when you know you've helped someone... nothing tops it. So it all works out in the end.

Table Tennis training Thursday after school. No one takes that shit seriously anymore. Harro loves to rage it doesn't he?

Friday was just all chill from 3:25 onwards. Would have loved to go keep fit with a few games of badminton but decided to catch up with some friends and attend the Health Expo at UniMelb. We all had a good laugh upon seeing Yiling's epic haircut. I have no words to describe the masterpiece that the hairdresser bestowed upon her LOL.

Saturday, was all tutor then went to state and got no work done. All Pauline's fault. And then slept in church as per usual. Dad kicked my leg a countless number of times to wake me up :D

Which brings me to Sunday.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there!

This is just a little something I want to express to my mum.

Dear mum,

How you doing? I hope your fine up there. Is god treating you any well? (laughs) It's approaching a year since you've been gone, but there hasn't been a day that's passed when you haven't come into my thoughts and prayers.

It's been a year too long. Will you be coming back anytime soon? I wish this was all a bad dream, that I'd suddenly wake up and you'd be there like nothing ever happened. Things are still weird at home. Your things are still lying around left untouched. I guess no one can bear the thought of erasing memories of you.

I always thought that you'd get better. I knew you were a fighter and thought that you'd easily conquer the uphill battle. And now I believe my overconfidence led to the consequences.

There were so many things you were yet to witness. But now you'll never never see me grow into a fine young man, or be there for my birthdays. You'll never see me graduate, get married and witness the things that would have made you proud to call me your son.

But you told me to be strong and I will. Though the tears are falling as I type this, they're not tears of sadness but of joy because your finally in a better place.

Anyways, I've gotta go. Dad's home and my balls will be on the chopping block if he sees I'm not doing hw :O Talk soon?

I miss you.

Love your son,


Yiling: What sexy hair yo.
Davin: So much for "so much" LOL.
Pauline: It's a cycle. Rich ---> Spoilt ---> Rich :P
Kaya: WHAT!? You have 7 kids? At this rate you'll have 100 in no time!
Vicky: Hold your head high babe. Fuck what the others say.
DQ: Pimpppppppp!
Anna: Richard has a Richard :D get me?


  1. it was good dude thanxs for a greeat read mate way better than jackos

  2. sighsigh David your letter really makes me think heaps. Firstly I'm so sorry that you cant celebrate Mothers Day properly with your mum. I know that im not in a position to say that i understand how you feel nor am i in a position to say that everything is fine because no one other than you has any idea of how shit life is without your mum. But i guess what you wrote teaches me a lot of things. No matter how much i complain about the shit things that happen in my life its so obvious that it is nothing compared to what's happened in your life. But listen. There are people out there, friends, family that will unconditionally support you till the very very end. And whilst we will never understand how you feel, we will be there, yes till the very very end. So dont cry! Your mum is proud of you i promise =] To David From Keenan.
